Where do IDEAS come from?

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  • Post category:Art

Where DO they come from? 
A blank sheet of paper?
A shape in the cloud?
A butterfly on a flower?
Someone doing something really awesome and making you go like, “Heyyyy! I wanna do that too!?
How to solve this mystery of what is inspiration?
Andrew Norton, a surprisingly tall Canadian filmmaker and radio producer, went all out in the search of answer to this question.
His own noble quest to “demystify the idea generating process”.
He crossed the mountains and the seven seas, searching for the correct answers.
Several interesting/inspirational people later (the list includes filmmaker David Lynch, radio storytellers Robert Krulwich, Tracy Clayton, Heben Nigatu & Lulu Miller, Artist Chuck Close, Professional skateboarder Ray Barbee and Author Susan Orlean) and two kids (coz glory of the innocence), he finally found his answer.
Ended up creating a ‘video for the ears’..
Or maybe an ‘audio for the eyes’.. 
A fascinating film with delightful visuals and even more ‘inspiring’ narrative.
For Andrew, “a good video should be just as interesting and enthralling with the video turned off.”
This short film is an outstanding example of audio and visual storytelling.
Don’t let us keep you from it!
Hit play and enjoy!

Want more? click to read more on “Where ideas come from”? and read what Andrew has to say!

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